The secret to helping wooden doors and windows last for years on end is a combination of proper care and maintenance. The elements can have harsh effects on wooden doors and windows, and without adequate maintenance, they can sustain significant damage in a relatively short period of time. These are a few tips you can …
How to Repair Hollow Doors
Doesn’t it seem as if holes in hollow doors are inevitable? Growing up, we’ve probably all had an experience where we’ve either made a hole in the door or just lived with a hole of mystery origins. Where do these holes come from? Falls – Falls are big culprits. And if you are a parent …
How to Stop Drafts From Entering Doors & Windows
Drafts can make a home very uncomfortable. They also reduce efficiency and can increase energy use. Aging or damaged doors and windows are two of the main sources of drafts in a home. There are several ways to stop drafts from entering through doors and windows. Add Weatherstripping Weatherstripping can help to stop drafts fast. …
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How to Fix a Sticking Sliding Door
Sliding glass doors in a home are attractive, but require the occasional tune-up for optimal performance. Fixing a sticky or stuck sliding glass door is a simple process that even an inexperienced homeowner can handle, but one that may take a little time and muscle to complete. The fix may be as simple as a …
Screen Options For Your Front Door
There is a wide array of different options for choosing a screen for your front door. Different screens provide different benefits. Options include wood screens, fiberglass screens and bronze screens. Wood Front Door Screens When choosing a wood front door screen, there are a couple different benefits associated with the choice. The first noticeable benefit …
Tips for Preparing Your Home for Spring and Summer
Many homeowners take a number of steps to prepare their home for the cold winter weather, such as servicing their heater and sweeping their chimney. As the cold winter months transition into the warmer spring season, homeowners once again may take a closer look at their property to take steps to prepare for warmer weather. …
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Simple Ways to Update the Look of Your Home
Spring time can give you the urge to open the windows and re-decorate. You may even get the urge to make some functional remodeling efforts this year. To get the look from both the inside and the outside, focus on changes to your windows and doors. By detailing your doors and windows, you can create …
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How to Fix a Door That Won’t Stay Closed
A door that won’t stay closed can be more than just a nuisance. Doors that close properly and completely are not only safer, but they also are better for controlling the temperatures in your home. In the winter time, doors that close tightly keep more cold air outside where it belongs. When it’s hot in …
Change the Look of Your Home by Adding French Doors
French doors are really windows that serve as doors. They can open to both interior rooms and into outdoor spaces, most often patios or garden spaces. Usually set with multiple glass panes, they give a space a hint of elegant femininity. Even walking in or out of a pair of French doors can get people’s …
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Sliding vs. French Doors is a Personal Choice
A home is a sanctuary where families live in comfort with doors that are made to keep them safe and warm. Both doors and windows provide a very important function for homeowners because they are a direct connection to other rooms within the home or the outside. Sliding doors and French doors are used in …
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